Tuesday, December 12, 2023
On behalf of the officers of the A.M. Club, we would like to wish our membership and your families Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy upcoming 2023.
I would like to acknowledge the following committees & volunteers during this past year:
*Steak night: Mike Rizzio, George Mitchell, Tom Townsend, George Balsamo, Rick Sturgis, Chuck Stankye, Vin Ingrassia, Scott Corner, Gene Sharkey, Jim Marshall, Henry Boladz, Rich McManus, Charles Flynn, Joe Palmucci
*Bartending staff: Mike Pisconieri, Jeff Toni, John DeCarlo, Tom Palmieri, Rich McManus, Marco Rumbin, Marco Rumbin Jr., Tom Townsend, Ron Sheehy, Al Digiavittorio, Cole
*Porchetta dinner: John Toni, Vin Ingrassia, Mark Matto, Scott Corner, Andre Veillette, George Mitchell, Rick Sturges, Mike Lawrence, Rich McManus, John Cavagnolo, Tom Townsend, Henry Boladz, George Balsamo, John Dorosh, Joe Sabatini Sr., dishwashers & servers
*Saturday Lunch: George Mitchell, Vin Ingrassia, Rick Searles, Mike Rizzio, Larry Lucas, Mark Nuzzolo, Bill Flaherty, Vin Lazzaro, Ken Bedini, George Balsamo, Marc Baldelli, Marco Rumbin
*Lent Fish Fry & lobster rolls: Mike Rizzio, George Mitchell, Tom Townsend, Mike Lawrence, Ron Sheehy
*Memorial Day breakfast & Sunday breakfast: George Mitchell
*Special thank you: AM Club permittee Marc Baldelli
*Thanksgiving morning: Jeff Toni, George Mitchell
*Family outing: Mike Rizzio, George Mitchell, Rick Searles, Bob Searles, George Balsamo, Rick Sturgis, Henry Boladz, Greg Kudej, Tom Palmieri
*Catering crew: George Mitchell, Mike Rizzio, Henry Boladz, Rick Sturgis
*Children’s Christmas party: Jeff Toni, Greg Kudej, Henry Boladz
*Tombola night: Mike Rizzio, George Mitchell, Henry Boladz, Jeff Toni
*Website support, weekly emails & social media: Vin Ingrassia, Gino Palumbo
*Clubroom cleaning: AI Digiavittorio, John Toni, Tom Townsend
*Golf Tournament committee: Carmen. John Dorosh. Mike Rizzio
*Upstairs bar renovation: Tom Townsend. Greg Kudej
*Painting: John Toni, Al Digiavittorio
2023 AM CLUB OFFICERS: Robert Rzepko Jr, Michael Rizzio, Joseph J Sabatini Jr., Marco Rumbin, John Toni, Joseph Orazietti, Ron Sheehy, Rick Sturgis, John Dorosh & John DeCarlo Jr.
I would like to thank everyone Iisted above that have contributed in making another successful year for our club.
God bless our club, its membership and your families- Thank you
Respectfully submitted Robert Rzepko Jr.
President, Adriatic Marchegian Club